May: Jen Velasquez
Our amazing Mom of the Month is Jen Velasquez!! She started coming to Fit4Mom in August of 2017 and has stuck with us ever since. She does all the things in Strides 360 and even brings her family! She has done Body Well with us and is so encouraging and honest with our group. Jen, thank you for being a part of our village! We love you and hope to see you in Run Club soon!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. Jennifer Velasquez - I'm mom to Audrey (5.5) and Warner (3.5), married to John.
Favorite drink: Vanilla latte
Snack: Vanilla Greek yogurt with granola
Where do you like to shop: Target
Favorite place you’ve traveled to: That’s hard, I love traveling and (pre-kids) did a fair amount of travel. Top two might be Cinque Terra and Barcelona.
Favorite Book: All the Harry Potter books
Hobby: Being outdoors!
Something unique about yourself: I’m super chill and easy to travel with - I know how to read a map to get around, I’m open to trying most foods, I love a good bike tour, I’m good with any form of transportation and lodging, etc.
Favorite movie or show: All time favorite movie is A League of Their Own. Favorite current TV show is Ted Lasso
Craziest thing you’ve ever done: Hiked Queen’s Bath in Kauai with 2 young toddlers with another mom friend, her baby, and toddler. Not sure it’s the craziest, but it’s the most adventurous. We felt like mama warriors by the time our husbands caught up to us at the water’s edge.
Your idea of a perfect vacation: A mix of adventure and chill. I love exploring somewhere new but also equally love a tropical beach stay. I really enjoy doing bike tours to explore a new city and hope to be able to enjoy bike tours with my kids someday.
How long have you been with fit4mom? Fave thing about Fit4Mom? : I’ve been with Fit4Mom for 5.5 years, but have been most active the last 3 years. I signed up for my first BodyWell program in January 2020 - prime pandemic time. I was in a rut, depleted of energy and in dire need of “me” time. I looked forward to every Sunday Zoom session where I got to to be with other mamas for an hour. Over the course of the eight weeks I started showing up to more morning Zoom workouts and fell in love with the energy and strength I gained!
When is your birthday: January 25, 1982
Do you speak more than one language: No, but I’m trying to relearn Spanish via the Duolingo app in an attempt to keep up with my daughter who’s in Spanish immersion kindergarten.
Favorite color: Pink
Most challenging part of this year for you: Not being able to workout in the mornings like I used to - I miss it! It’s been too hard with
What are you most proud of about yourself while facing the challenges of this year: I’m proud of myself for setting a personal goal to prioritize myself which is extremely hard! I’m working on finding and using my voice and making time for myself. Since morning workouts became challenging with my family’s schedule, I’ve been able to enjoy Body Boost classes on Tuesday nights. I went on my first Girls Trip in over 6 years this past April. I decided to fix my major stress incontinence issues via surgery this month and can finally look forward to joining run club in the future!