Mom Of The Month
Celebrate Our Amazing Moms
SEPTEMBER: Demetra Kareman
Our September Mom of the Month is Demetra! She has been with Fit4Mom since 2023 and has continuously showed up to our Stroller Strides Classes. She is a one of a kind mama with 2 littles and the best personality. Every class, she and Freddy bring smiles to our faces by sharing toys, keeping us in great conversations and updating us on the latest Bluey trivia. Demetra, we love having you as a part of our village! Thank you for sharing your sweet family with us.
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. Demetra, Jon, Walter (5) and Freddy (almost 2)
Favorite drink? Vodka soda with loads of limes
Snack? Combos I'm a 90s girl.
Where do you like to shop? Long Tall Sally, it's a website that makes clothes for tall chicks.
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? Paris, for sure.
Favorite Book Go Ask Alice
Hobby? People watching.
Something unique about yourself. I'm dyslexic
moreAUGUST : Kyla Fallin
Our August mom of the month is Kyla Fallin! Kyla has been with FIT4MOM SFVNELA since 2023! She brings energy and positivity to each class! Her littles are absolutely wonderful and brighten each class they attend. We hope you feel special being honored for our Mom of the Month! We appreciate you being part of our village so much and can't wait to see your smile in Stroller Barre soon!
What’s your full name? Kyla Fallin
Introduce your Fam. Husband - Garrett and two daughters Gracie 6 and Alice 2
Favorite drink: latte
Snack? Jalopeno poppers
Where do you like to shop? Target and H&M
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? Switzerland - so beautiful to hike the alps!
Favorite Book: I am more of an audiobook lover these days! Comedian bios are a fav.
Hobby? Crafting and decorating for the seasons.
Something unique about yourself. I’m a twin
moreAPRIL : Sophia Conover
Our April mom of the month is Sophia Conover! Sohpia has been with FIT4MOM SFVNELA since 2022! She brings so much joy to each class especially our Family Strides360 class. Her kids are absolutely wonderful and she continues to offer such a positive attitude and fun to our village. We hope you feel special being honored for our Mom of the Month! We appreciate you being part of our village so much!
What's your full name? Introduce your Fam. Hi, I'm Sophia Conover and my husband is Kyle. We have 2 daughters, Koufax is 3 1/2 and Fig is 1 1/2.
Favorite drink? Decaf coffee with an inch of almond milk
Snack? Crunchy, tangy, raw red or yellow bell peppers
Where do you like to shop? My favorite vintage store is Hide and Seek in Studio City
Favorite place you've traveled to? Lately, I've been nostalgic for Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace in England. I had the best time attending every show the Royal Shakespeare Company had to offer the summer I was there as a study abroad student. As soon as the girls are old enough, I would love to take them.
moreFebruary : Nohely Comacho
Our special mom of the month is Nohely Comacho! Nohely has been with FIT4MOM SFVNELA since last year and is a consistent Stroller Strides attendee. We love how supportive Nohely is to other moms. Having her as part of our village gives a spark we now can't live without! Nohely, we hope you felt special this month! We appreciate your time spent with our stroller mama's and look forward to many more!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. My full name is Nohely Romero Camacho. My son's name is Noah and my husband's name is Charles.
Favorite drink? Peach Iced Tea
Snack? Almond butter pretzels
Where do you like to shop? For myself: Cuyana, Alo, Target, Nordstrom, Zara. For my son: Yolk, Treehaus, Target, Zara, and small boutiques
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? Spain! We visited Barcelona, Madrid, and Toledo. Such good food and rich culture!
Favorite Book No favorite at the moment
moreJANUARY: Kirsten Coleman
Kirsten is our lovely January mom of the month! Kirsten has been with Fit4Mom for about four years - through zoom dates, BodyWell sessions, Stroller Strides and 360 classes! She works so hard in each class and always comes with the best attitude. Kirsten, we love having you as part of our village! We hope you feel seen and special being our mom of the month!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. Kirsten Coleman, we are a family of four. Lajuan, Cairo 4 and Kai Juan soon to be 2.
Favorite drink? Milk tea
Snack? Not a big snacker! I like eating meals
Where do you like to shop? I will go crazy in target or homegoods
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? The Kingdom of Bahrain
Favorite Book? Not a big reader, I'm a tv baby!
Hobby? Crafting
Something unique about yourself. I am the loudest, shy, most outgoing person you will meet!
Favorite movie or show? Anything Disney
Craziest thing you’ve ever done? In my younger days, I went to work straight from the nightclub the day after Halloween to work my shift. I changed from my costume to my uniform in the car. I found myself looking for an excuse when a coworker asked why I had glitter all over my face.
moreDECEMBER: Amy Leyzerovsky
We are celebrating the amazing Amy for the month of December. Amy has been a consistent member of Fit4Mom . She is always welcoming towards other moms and invites people in with smile. She is caring, kind and always in a good mood. We love having Amy as part of our village!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. Amy Leyzerovsky, baby Eva Leyzerovsky (9 months), husband David.
Favorite drink? Aperol Spritz
Snack? Dark chocolate
Where do you like to shop? Target
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? Sardinia
Favorite Book? Hobby? Bravo and Taylor Swift
Something unique about yourself. I went to culinary school in NYC after graduating college
Favorite movie or show Clueless
Your idea of a perfect vacation Beach, good food/drinks, a bit of city
How long have you been with fit4mom? Fave thing about Fit4Mom? Since my baby was 6 weeks, so almost 8 months! I love that I can workout a few times a week without needing childcare. It feels great to get outside and get some fresh air while meeting other moms in the community.
moreAUGUST: Rachel Koenig
It's mom of the month time!
We are celebrating the lovely Rachel for the month of August. Rachel has been with Fit4Mom since 2020 with her first pregnancy. She has stuck with us through Zoom classes, Fit4Baby, Strides360 and beyond. Her smile is infectious and she is always doing each challenge with her little in tow.
We love seeing your family grow, Rachel, and can't wait to meet your new addition!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. I’m Rachel Koenig and I have my husband Eric and my daughter Dakota is 2 and I am 6 months pregnant with a baby boy!
Favorite drink? Rosé which I miss a lot right now lol
Snack? Anything sweet! Right now lots of fruit and always cookies and ice cream
Where do you like to shop? H&M, Gap and Old Navy
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? Indonesia
Favorite Book I should read more!
Hobby? Knitting
Something unique about yourself. I’m the only redhead in my family.
moreJULY: Kristina Kropp
Our fantastic Mom of the Month is Kristina! She has been with Fit4mom since 2021. She always shows up ready to workout and brings a smile with each workout! We love seeing her and her littles at Strides 360, and get in some mama time at Body Boost. Kristina, we think your awesome and we appreciate you being a part of our village!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. Kristina Kropp. My husband is Jeff, and we have two daughters, Laela (5) and Presley (2).
Favorite drink? On my Mother’s Day school card, my daughter stated it was wine. But I think its coffee.
Snack? Plantain chips.
Where do you like to shop? Online.
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? Bali.
Favorite Book I don’t remember having time to read ha! But I did like the Liane Moriarty books.
Hobby? Not sure this counts, but laying on a beach.
Something unique about yourself. I am an off-the boat immigrant, from Lithuania is 1994.
Favorite movie or show. Seinfeld/the Office.
Craziest thing you’ve ever done Bungee jumping in Mexico (didn’t fee safe then, doesn’t feel safe now!).
moreJUNE: Regan Templeton
Our special mom of the month is Regan Templeton! She started coming to Fit4Mom in September of 2021 and is an avid Stroller Strides member. She loves a great workout with a fun playdate after and is always up for a trip to Disneyland!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam! Regan Templeton. I just celebrated our 12-year anniversary with my husband Trevor. We have a 3 year old son Philip, whom we call PIp, and a 9 month old Edith, whom we call Edie. We also have a very needy 13-year-old dachshund named T-Rex.
Favorite drink Diet Coke during the day, dirty gin martini at night
Snack Any and all cheese
Where do you like to shop Reckless Unicorn and Yolk for the kids. I used to work for Nordstrom and still do most of my shopping with them, but I love The Curatorial Department for vintage.
Favorite place you’ve traveled to Croatia
Favorite Book I love Great Expectations -- it's where my son got his name from. But for a fun read, the A League of Extraordinary Women series is my go-to.
moreMay: Jen Velasquez
Our amazing Mom of the Month is Jen Velasquez!! She started coming to Fit4Mom in August of 2017 and has stuck with us ever since. She does all the things in Strides 360 and even brings her family! She has done Body Well with us and is so encouraging and honest with our group. Jen, thank you for being a part of our village! We love you and hope to see you in Run Club soon!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. Jennifer Velasquez - I'm mom to Audrey (5.5) and Warner (3.5), married to John.
Favorite drink: Vanilla latte
Snack: Vanilla Greek yogurt with granola
Where do you like to shop: Target
Favorite place you’ve traveled to: That’s hard, I love traveling and (pre-kids) did a fair amount of travel. Top two might be Cinque Terra and Barcelona.
Favorite Book: All the Harry Potter books
Hobby: Being outdoors!
Something unique about yourself: I’m super chill and easy to travel with - I know how to read a map to get around, I’m open to trying most foods, I love a good bike tour, I’m good with any form of transportation and lodging, etc.
Favorite movie or show: All time favorite movie is A League of Their Own. Favorite current TV show is Ted Lasso
moreAPRIL: Cynthia Rodriguez
Our dedicated mom of the month is Cynthia Rodriguez! She started coming to Stroller Strides in February of this year after her son was born. She has been so consistent coming to classes and is always showing up with a smile! We recognize how hard working and dedicated she is and want to honor her this month!
This is my family! I'm Cynthia Rodriguez. Marco is my husband. Reyes Jr is my eldest and Azriel is our newest addition. Estrella is our family pet.
Favorite drink? Wine
Snack? Chocolate chip ice cream
Where do you like to shop? Target!
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? London
Favorite Book? Bediceme Ultima
Hobby? Collecting and taking care of plants
Something unique about yourself. My children are 17 years apart
Favorite movie or show? Ted Lasso
Craziest thing you’ve ever done? Go into the ocean on new years while there was snow on the ground.
Your idea of a perfect vacation? Exploring a new place. My dream vacation would be to Greece!
moreMARCH: Sarah Moshman
Our talented Mom of the Month is Sarah Moshman! Sarah has been with Fit4Mom for 5 years. She is our favorite Strides 360 attendee and rarely misses a class. She is consistent, always encouraging and loves to bring her fantastic family with her to workout. She is a great role model for her family and friends radiating success in all aspects of life. We applaud you Sarah and think you are awesome!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam: I'm Sarah Moshman, my husband is Ryan (this year we celebrate 10 years married, 20 YEARS together), my daughter Bryce is 5 and my son Ellis is 2.
Favorite drink? I mostly drink water and coffee, but lately I've developed a real appreciation for bourbon! I'm making a documentary about women paving the way in whiskey and bourbon so I'm trying more bourbon cocktails. Yum!
Snack? I've always loved pretzels!
Where do you like to shop? I like Lululemon, Vuori, Express, Forever 21, Q, and Target of course.
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? The south island of New Zealand was absolutely stunning. I would go back any day.
moreFEBRUARY: Juliet Ulanday
Our February Mom of the Month is the amazing Juliet Ulanday. Juliet has been so loyal and consistent at Run Club and Strides 360. She shows up, puts in all of her effort, and encourages those around her. And if she has the time, she attends Stroller Strides as well. She is a kicking butt right now and we are so proud of her!
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. - My name is Juliet Ann Ulanday. My husband's name is Roderick Ulanday. I have 4 kids. My eldest son, Anthony Galang, is 22 years old. My stepdaughter, Rheanna Ulanday, is 16 years old. I have a 10 year old son, Connor Joseph Mason Ulanday, and a 9 month old baby, Julianne Paige Ulanday
Favorite drink? Alcoholic drink: I enjoy an occasional wine. I'm a Cab kind girl. Non-alcoholic drink: Coffee please!!
Snack? Chips (Not the healthiest snack)
Where do you like to shop? Amazon is my go-to place to shop
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? Cabo San Lucas. We just vacationed there this past January and it was amazingly beautiful.
moreJANUARY: Amanda Aikens
Our January Mom of the Month is the wonderful Amanda Aikens. Amanda has been so loyal and consistent before the pandemic, during (soooo many ZOOM classes!), and after the pandemic. She shows up and works hard and it is dang inspiring! She has completed over 425 Fit4Mom classes with us and probably a couple hundred more with the franchise she was with before she moved.
What’s your full name? Introduce your Fam. - Amanda Aikens, husband Matt, and son Robbie - 4 years old.
Favorite drink? Coffee - a necessity every morning
Snack? Chips and salsa; Healthier option - Boom Chicka Popcorn
Where do you like to shop? Not much of a shopper, mainly use Amazon for free returns :)
Favorite place you’ve traveled to? Italy - Venice, Florence, and Rome
Favorite Book: Pete the Cat, I don't read non-children's books often anymore
Something unique about yourself. I enjoy watching things be made, so I chose a career in food and beverage manufacturing. I have worked in the bread, rice, and beer industries, and currently work in facilities that produce citrus, nuts, and water.
Favorite movie or show: Movie: Wedding Crashers. Show: My husband and I have been re-watching old sitcoms the past couple of years: Seinfeld, Friends, Big Bang Theory